Tuesday, February 18, 2025

What is Social Anxiety

Social anxiety disorder symptoms can vary. Some individuals may only suffer from a specific fear such as eating or…

The Types of Depression

Depression can take many forms. Seasonal affective disorder, clinical depression, and bipolar depression and postpartum depression are all commonly…

Remembering the Terror

A form of anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is sometimes formed after someone has experienced a very terrifying…

Taking Control of Mental Illness

We are told that mental illnesses occur because of our genes, our upbringing, our personality, our temperament, our lifestyle…

The 60 Second Panic Solution

What is Mental Health – Key Concepts in Mental Health

Definition Mental health is defined as a state or condition on which an individual feels a sense of well-being. This gives him or her the capacity to live life in fulfillment of what he or she wants to achieve in accordance to the available resources. This condition also provides an individual the capacity to be resilient to the stresses he meets and to respond to these challenges without having to compromise his well- being. This also makes…

The Most Common Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors

When people are obsessed at avoiding being dirty or contaminated, they frequently wash their hands and feet, clean and bathe their bodies. They do not feel comfortable about bodily waste and urinating because these procedures are often disgusting to look at or experience. They also feel extremely and unreasonably anxious about contracting dreadful illnesses in almost any setting. Some people always want to live in extremely neat surroundings. While they’re not that obsessed about getting sick from…

Symptoms of Post-traumatic stress disorder

During World War Two, a strange phenomenon called “Battle Fatigue” affected many veterans after they returned home from combat zones in Europe and the Pacific. Today, we know this condition to be “post-traumatic stress disorder“. Back then, returning veterans didn’t talk about it, because discussing these worrisome symptoms suggested weakness or cowardice. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a medical disorder that can occur to anyone after experiencing an extremely stressful situation. Soldiers aren’t the only ones to…

Understanding Single Parent Psychology and Mental Health

Extramarital pregnancy, divorce, and abandonment of one parent are some reasons why there are single parents. What most people don’t know is, these occurrences are life-changing as they can be traumatic for the single parent and the child, making them often misunderstood. That makes the study of a single parent’s psychology and mental health important. Studies have reported that there are more child and adolescent problems for households with single parents rather than those with the “normal”…

3 Major Focuses of Recovery for Optimized Mental Health

Focus on the Individual The focus of recovery should be on the person or the individual and not the process of treatment. There is a constant shift in the manners by which people suffering from psychological disorders are being treated. During the past centuries, due partly to the drive to establish more reliable and effective treatment methods, most mental health professionals fail to focus on the process occurring in a patient, the changes he is undergoing throughout…

Mental Health – Not Just the Absence of Mental Disorders

Most people think that mental health only applies to those people who have diagnosable mental disorders. The truth is ALL of us should be concerned about our mental health. It is our basis of being healthy. It is the holistic approach to health. In fact, many people adhere to the belief that mental health is the core of healthiness. Health starts and ends with mental health. It encompasses everything and it is everybody’s business. For virtually all…

Expressive Therapies in Mental Health

Many people who are diagnosed with mental issues show an extreme liking for or talent in the creative arts. It only makes sense that some of the alternative treatments incorporate this natural tendency. Below I cover three such alternative treatments. Often each is combined with more traditional methods, but not always. Art Therapy: Drawing, painting, and sculpting help many people to reconcile inner conflicts, release deeply repressed emotions, and foster self-awareness, as well as personal growth. Some…